
Opening 23 January, 6pm – 9pm until 21 February 2014

Douglas Allsop, Adam Bainbridge, Ross Chisholm, Joe Clark and Anna M. R. Freeman


Adam Bainbridge It All Happened In A Moment, 2009 pencil on paper 70 x 75 cm
Adam Bainbridge
It All Happened In A Moment, 2009
pencil on paper
70 x 75 cm

Guest curated by Kunstraum’s curator Thomas Cuckle, Double-Blind looks at artists’ fascination with doubles, and the use of mirroring to confound, interrupt and propose new realities. The artist’s use of the mirror as a formal device has a long history, to demonstrate skill or to understand perspective. In the work of the five London-based artists in Double-Blind the mirror-image takes on further dimensions: the distinctions between reality and its double are erased, fantastical other worlds are imagined, reflections are edited.